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Lenovo zseb PC

2007.03.17. 22:23 mo

Beijing, CHINA: A promoter shows off a latest pocket PC from Chinese computer giant Lenovo in Beijing, 17 March 2007. Lenovo reported an 18 percent rise in net profit for the third quarter, boosted by robust sales in China and increased overall shipments of personal computers, as in the three months…

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Mini TV a Sonytól

2007.03.15. 21:33 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony unveils the new card size digital TV "XDV-100", measuring 98.3 x 61x 15.1mm and weighing only 110g, with a 2.83-inch LCD display and 5.5-hour digital TV program with a built-in Li-ion battery at the company's headquarters in Tokyo, 15 March…

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