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A szélrózsa minden irányába

2007.05.13. 01:00 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony employees display the prototype model of transparent pole speaker system "Rin", which renders stereo sound towards all directions, at a housing trade show in Tokyo, 13 May 2007. The unique speaker system, featuring woofer with amplifier at the…

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Sony magnó 2007-ben

2007.05.02. 00:44 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony employee Eiko Sato displays the new harddisk drive (HDD) Hi-Fi audio recorder "NAC-HD1" which enables it to store 40,000 linear PCM music tracks or 11,100 hours ATRAC recording on the internal 250GB HDD without the need for a PC, at the…

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Mazda 2 még ebben az évben

2007.04.27. 00:40 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's auto giant Mazda Motor president Hisakazu Imaki displays the company's new compact vehicle "Mazda2", which will be on sale in Japan, China and Europe this year at a press conference in Tokyo 27 April 2007. Mazda said its group sales and profits in all categories hit…

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Hitachi digitális pelenka

2007.04.27. 00:34 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japanese electronics giant Hitachi employee displays the new automatic urine collection system for elderly and bedridden people to reduce the number of diaper changes, developed by Hitachi and sunitary goods maker Unicharm at hitachi's headuqarters in Tokyo, 27 April 2007. The system…

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Nagyra nőtt diavetítő

2007.04.25. 00:27 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony's Senior General Manager shoichi ioka of display division, displays the new 4K digital cinema projector "CineAlta 4K SRX-R220", equipped with a newly developed three reflective LCD imaging device to project ultra-high resolution digital movie…

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Beszélő földgömb

2007.04.12. 11:19 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's toy giant Tomy employee Nozomi Saeki displays an educational gadget called a "Talking Globe", which has 20cm diameter globe with LED pointer, and can speak the country's name, local time, brain twisters for the country and other information about the country in Tokyo…

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Jönnek az OLED-es képernyők

2007.04.11. 11:15 mo

A japán elektronikai óriás, a Sony bemutatta 28 centis (11 inch, 1024 x 600 képpont) és 69 centis (27 inch Full HD, 1920 x 1080 képpont) képátlóval rendelkező OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode, Szerves fénykibocsátó dióda) kijelzői prototípusát a tokiói lapos képernyők…

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A Mini Gorilla segít

2007.04.09. 11:11 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: A model displays Japanese electronics giant Sanyo's new handy navigation system "Mini Gorilla NV-SB250DT", equipped with a 4.5-inch wide LCD display and 2Gb flash memory to store map datas and a digital broadcasting tuner on its tiny body, measuring 143 x 83 x 34.5mm and…

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Panasonic nagyfelbontású kamkorder

2007.04.05. 11:06 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Hiroyasu Hagiwara, of Japan's electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial displays the new high-definition DVD camcorder "HDS-DX3", equipped with three 560,000-pixel CCD, which enables to record and play full high-definition quality, 1,920 x 1,080-pixel images, on a 8-cm…

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Levegővel tisztító mosógép

2007.04.03. 11:02 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Employee for Japanese electronics giant Sanyo, Yumiko Teramoto, displays the company's new washing machine "Aqua AWD-AQ2000", which has the world's first function "Air Wash" to disinfect and deodorize through using air (ozone) instead of water, for leather, silk and…

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Sony médialejátszók

2007.04.02. 10:59 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony employee Ryoko Takagi displays the new audio/video compatible player "Walkman NW-A808" (L) and "NW-A806" at the company's heaedquarters in Tokyo, 02 April 2007. The new Walkmans are now on sale here with a price of 32,800 yen (USD 270)…

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Elektronikus bisztró

2007.03.29. 00:57 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: A model displays Japanese electronics giant Matsushita Electric Industrial's new staemed microwave and browner oven "Bistro NE-W300" which enables to pinpoint heat up the food as it gives microwave in a focused way on the chilled part of the food in Tokyo 29 March 2007.…

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Internetező Sony TV-k

2007.03.28. 23:46 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony employee displays the new LCD television set "Bravia KDL-40J5000", which enables to connect to the internet site and displays internet contents of weather forecasts, news, amusement contents and browsers at the company's headquarters in Tokyo 28…

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Érintőképernyős házi kedvenc

2007.03.24. 21:58 mo

Tokió, JAPÁN, 2007. március 6.: A HP bemutatta legújabb 19 inch átmérőjű LCD érintőképrenyővel felszerelt all-in-one TouchSmart PC-jét, amely segítségével az egész család elérheti a napi teendőket, amely kielégít minden TV-vel, zenével, mozival és fotóval…

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Nikon D40X

2007.03.22. 23:37 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's camera giant Nikon employee displays the new entry model single-lens-reflex (SLR) digital camera, the "D40X", equipped with a 10.2 mega-pixel CCD image sensor on its compact and lightweight body at the Photo Imging Expo in Tokyo 22 March 2007. Nikon will put it on the…

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Már a Sony is

2007.03.22. 23:28 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony employee displays the prototype model of the company's digital single-lens-reflex (SLR) camera for professional use at the annual Photo Imging Expo in Tokyo, 22 March 2007. Sony displayed two prototype SLR cameras at the camera trade show and expect to…

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Hitachi kivehető lemezes plazma

2007.03.20. 23:17 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Hitachi unveils the new plasma and LCD TV series "Wooo" which has the world's first detachable harddisk drive (HDD) in Tokyo, 20 March 2007. The new flat-screen TVs, sized 32-inch to 50-inch, has not only have a built-in 250GB HDD to record TV…

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Mitsubishi mosógép

2007.03.19. 23:13 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japanese electronics giant Mitsubishi Electric unveils the world's first moving washing-drum washer-dryer, called the "Moving drum MVW-VD1", with a drum that can slunt angle between 0 and 20-degrees for washing, spin drying and hot air drying, on display in Tokyo, 19 March…

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Lenovo zseb PC

2007.03.17. 22:23 mo

Beijing, CHINA: A promoter shows off a latest pocket PC from Chinese computer giant Lenovo in Beijing, 17 March 2007. Lenovo reported an 18 percent rise in net profit for the third quarter, boosted by robust sales in China and increased overall shipments of personal computers, as in the three months…

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Mini TV a Sonytól

2007.03.15. 21:33 mo

Tokyo, JAPAN: Japan's electronics giant Sony unveils the new card size digital TV "XDV-100", measuring 98.3 x 61x 15.1mm and weighing only 110g, with a 2.83-inch LCD display and 5.5-hour digital TV program with a built-in Li-ion battery at the company's headquarters in Tokyo, 15 March…

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